So true, so very true.
So true, so very true.
Most orginal idea I have seen in a mario flash.
Wonderfull, the mouthmoments, the song, just damn funny. I didn't even pay as much attention to Mario's fight. Only thing I was focused was on Lugi. Keep up the funny work my good flash making man. Then again this is the only flash I have seen by you.
*shares his banana* EAT >:| *peels it for u*
-Matt :D
I loved how SB Clock gets shoot
This has to be the best one I have seen since Striped hit NG, but that is just my view on it, I have been watching your flash for quite some hours now, thats how great your flash is, keep up the great work
Funny but I think it would have been better if Sephiroth had fought the Aeon instead of Cloud and Squll. Also you should have made Cloud and Sephiroth have a conflict or something,it's of if Cloud didn't know he was there, same gose with Tifa. Also Rikku,Lulu,and Yuna weren't there :( You should consider making Flashes about Sephiroth,I know I'll vote 5 for those. Anyway good job keep it up!!!
thanks dude
funny as hell! did you draw that manga?...
I don't really frequent these lands of olde' anymoar.
Pirate Jester
Joined on 6/13/04